NYU Dataset

Optogenetic Activation of ID2/Nkx2.1 Interneurons in the Posterior Parietal Cortex During NREM Sleep

Part of: Buzsaki Lab |
UID: 10545
* Corresponding Author

This study described a unique set of deep layer neurons in posterior parietal cortex (PPC) whose spiking activity is inversely correlated with all principal cells and interneurons in all brain states, but most commonly during the down state of non-REM (NREM) sleep. They identified down state-active (DSA) neurons as deep layer neocortical neurogliaform cells that express ID2 and Nkx2.1. For this study, several lines of transgenic mice for optogenetic tagging of the recorded units were used. All animals were implanted with 64-site silicon probes in the PPC. Ground and reference wires were implanted in the skull above the cerebellum and a grounded copper mesh hat was constructed, which shielded the probes. The dataset includes electrophysiology, behavioral, and immunohistochemistry data.

Subject of Study
Subject Domain


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The data that support the main findings of this study are publicly available in the Buzsaki Lab Webshare and custom code can be found on GitHub.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Equipment Used
Axon Digidata 1322A
Intan RHD2000 Evaluation System
Leica Leitz DMRB
Leica VT1000 S
Leica VT1200 S
Molecular Devices MultiClamp 700B
Zeiss Axio Imager Z1
Zeiss LSM 710
Software Used
Microsoft Excel
pCLAMP v10.7
Phy Plugins
Grant Support
Leon Levy Fellowship in Neuroscience/Leon Levy Foundation
LT0000717/2018/Human Frontiers Science Program
EMBO ALTF 1161-2017/European Molecular Biology Organization
MR/R011567/1/Medical Research Council