1. Searching

Basic Searches

To search the NYU Data Catalog home page, type in the textbox and click on "Search."

Screenshot of Data Catalog homepage

Results will be returned in a new page, ordered by the most to least relevant based on the search string. Each result will contain the following information:

  • Dataset title
  • An excerpt of the dataset description
  • Subject
  • Access rights
  • The name of the dataset author(s) if it was produced by NYU researcher(s), or a "Local Expert" if the dataset was generated outside of NYU
Screenshot of search results

Advanced Searches with Boolean Operators

The operators AND, OR, NOT, parentheses, quotation marks, and asterisks may be used to further customize a search string. Please see below for the results obtained for (("EHR" OR "Electronic Health Record") AND "Diabetes")"

Screenshot of search results with booleans

Refining Searches with Filters

Search results may also be refined by clicking on any of the filters in the left sidebar.

Screenshot of filters

In the following example, the results for "electronic health records" were filtered by the Access Restriction "Free to All" and the Data Collection Years of "2010-Present."

Screenshot of filtered search results

Filters may be removed by clicking on them again at the top of the search results. The results will automatically refresh.

Screenshot of removing a filter

Browsing Related Datasets

Clicking on a dataset title will lead to a new page that details the full catalog record for the dataset. To find similar datasets, click on any of the links under Subject Domain, Keywords, Data Type, or Related Datasets (not pictured in the example below).

Screenshot of dataset details page

2. Accessing Datasets

The NYU Data Catalog can be thought of as a directory — unlike a repository, it does not host datasets! The following section explains how to access datasets from the catalog.


Access restrictions are reported in the top-right of every dataset. They describe who the dataset is available to and how they can access it. Some datasets will require fees, some are only available to NYU employees, some require approval or an application, and some are free to all. To look for datasets with specific restrictions, be sure to use the Access Restrictions filter.

Screenshot of access restrictions


Access instructions will describe the application process (if required for the dataset) or clarify how to navigate the website which hosts the dataset.

Screenshot of access instructions


For datasets that do not require approval from an NYU author, there will be links following the access instructions that lead to the websites that host the dataset. In the eent that there are multiple access links, read the link description and access instructions carefully to determine which one is most relevant.

Screenshot of access links

For datasets that require approval from an NYU author, there will be a link that leads to the NYU Dataset Request Form.

Screenshot of access link that requires approval Screenshot of dataset request approval form

Dataset Requests

Datasets that require an application or author approval for access are subject to the discretion of the creator of that dataset. While all researchers whose datasets are included in the Data Catalog have agreed to participate, they may choose to decline your application.

3. Contacting a NYU Corresponding Author or Local Expert

Corresponding Author

To obtain contact information for datasets that were generated by an NYU researcher who is also the corresponding author, hover over the researchers name and click on View Profile or by click on the link(s) under the Associated Publications section.

Screenshot of contacting a corresponding author

Local Expert

Local Experts are NYU researchers who have experience with datasets that were generated outside of the institution. To contact a Local Expert for assistance, hover over the researchers name and click on Contact this Local Expert. You will be redirected to the Local Expert Contact Form. Completed forms will be forwarded to Local Experts for their review and response.

Screenshot of contacting a local expert Screenshot of local expert contact form