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Results Found: 27
  • Women's Health Initiative

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    The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) is a longitudinal national health study sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) that focuses on strategies for preventing heart disease, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women in the United States. The study includes data from 161,808 women aged 50-79 years old at the time of enrollment. Available...

    Chronic Disease
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    Jeffrey S. Berger
    Lila Nachtigall
  • NYU Dataset

    Syndemic Production among Emergent Adult Men: P18 Cohort Study

    Perry Halkitis
    Farzana Kapadia

    This ongoing prospective cohort study examines a wide range of individual, social and structural factors as predictors of risk and resilience for behavioral outcomes (e.g., substance use and sexual activity), mental health conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety) and biological outcomes (e.g., HIV seroconversion, viral and bacterial sexually transmitted infections) in a sample of emerging adult men based...

    Infectious Disease
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  • NYU Dataset

    TeleQuit MH Data

    Alternate Title(s)
    Scott Sherman

    The TeleQuit MH dataset was collected for a type-II hybrid effectiveness-implementation study that evaluated a smoking cessation telephone care program for mental health patients in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The primary objectives were to evaluate the adaption, implementation, and maintenance of the smoking cessation program; determine its effectiveness at long-term abstinence; and...

    Health Care System
    Mental Health
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  • NYU Dataset

    NYU Women's Health Study

    Alternate Title(s)
    Yu Chen
    Anne Zeleniuch-Jacquotte
    Alan A. Arslan
    Yelena Afanasyeva
    6 more author(s)...

    Data from the ongoing NYU Women's Health Study include biospecimens and survey data with variables concerning health conditions, reproductive history, and dietary habits. Between 1985 and 1991, the NYU Women's Health Study enrolled 14,274 women between the ages of 35 and 65 years old at the Guttman Breast Diagnostic Institute in New York City for a study of endogenous hormones, diet, and risk of breast...

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  • NYU Dataset

    Metabolic Syndrome Outcome Cohort Study

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    Girardin Jean-Louis
    Natasha Williams
    Gbenga Ogedegbe
    Ferdinand Zizi
    1 more author(s)...

    This data was generated from a two-arm randomized controlled trial. The study evaluated the effectiveness of a culturally and linguistically tailored telephone-delivered intervention to promote adherence to physician-recommended sleep apnea assessment and treatment among black patients with metabolic syndrome. Outcomes of interest (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia) were assessed at...

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  • NYU Dataset

    Faith-based Approaches in the Treatment of Hypertension

    Alternate Title(s)
    Gbenga Ogedegbe
    Kristie J. Lancaster
    Antoinette Schoenthaler
    William Chaplin
    2 more author(s)...

    This dataset was generated as part of a cluster-randomized, 2-arm trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a faith-based group-counseling therapeutic lifestyle intervention and motivational interviewed (MINT-TLC) vs. health education (HE) on black adults who attend churches in New York City. 32 churches with approximately 300 eligible adults were randomly assigned to either MINT-TLC or HE control, and...

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  • Osteoarthritis Initiative

    Alternate Title(s)

    The Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) was a longitudinal cohort study which investigated the natural history of knee osteoarthritis across the spectrum of the disease through the collection of imaging, biochemical, genetic, and risk markers of knee OA. Measures included knee symptoms and function (evaluated using the West Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) and the Knee injury and...

    Chronic Disease
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    Cem Deniz
    Jonathan Samuels
  • NYU Dataset

    Scoping review data on the feasibility of integrated, multilevel care for cardiovascular diseases and HIV in low- and middle-income countries

    Temitope Ojo
    Lynette Lester
    Juliet Iwelunmor
    Joyce Gyamfi
    11 more author(s)...

    The dataset provides bibliographic information on the feasibility of integrated, multilevel care for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and HIV in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Researchers located twenty studies, reported in 18 articles and 3 conference abstracts on the feasibility of integrated CVD-HIV care interventions. These studies were conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and...

    Chronic Disease
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    Free to All
  • NYU Dataset

    Data on dialytic parameters and reviewer confirmed arrhythmias in hemodialysis patients

    James A. Tumlin
    Prabir Roy-Chaudhury
    Bruce A. Koplan
    Alexandru I. Costea
    4 more author(s)...

    This dataset was compiled as part of an investigation into the relationship between arrhythmia and hemodialysis. This dataset contains data from 66 hemodialysis patients who underwent loop recorder implantation with continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, weekly to bi-weekly testing of pre- and post-dialysis electrolytes, and detailed capture of dialysis prescription and flow sheet data for six...

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  • NYU Dataset

    NYU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Data and Resources

    Alternate Title(s)
    Thomas Wisniewski

    The NYU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (NYU ADRC) maintains a large database of standardized clinical and neuropathological research data collected at NYU Langone Health for local investigators, as well as those at affiliated or collaborating institutions. The NYU ADRC database includes a cumulative record of over 1,500 subjects enrolled since 1972. Data was collected every two years until 2005...

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