NYU Dataset

Scoping review data on the feasibility of integrated, multilevel care for cardiovascular diseases and HIV in low- and middle-income countries

UID: 10376
* Corresponding Author

The dataset provides bibliographic information on the feasibility of integrated, multilevel care for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and HIV in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Researchers located twenty studies, reported in 18 articles and 3 conference abstracts on the feasibility of integrated CVD-HIV care interventions. These studies were conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. 49 articles and conference abstracts were assessed for inclusion. For the 49 articles assessed, this dataset contains information on the country, the year of intervention, the healthcare setting, the number of facilities received the intervention, the location of the intervention, the duration of the study, the model of integration, target recipients, type of staffing, whether feasibility was reported, a description of the feasibility context if reported, the primary outcomes measured, HIV and tuberculosis outcomes reported, CVD clinical outcomes, implementation outcomes, service outcomes, and major findings from the study.

For the 20 studies included, the dataset includes an assessment of the risk of bias. This assessment includes information on: the cohort, the representativeness of the exposed cohort, the selection of the non-exposed cohort, ascertainment of exposure, demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at the start of the study, the comparability of cohorts on the basis of the study designed, the assessment of the outcomes, whether the follow-up was long enough for outcomes to occur, the adequacy of follow-up cohorts, the random sequence generation, the allocation concealment, whether or not there was blinding,other sources of bias, and if the outcome data was incomplete.

1991 - 2016
Geographic Coverage
South America
Southeastern Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Subject of Study
Subject Domain


Free to All
Data underlying the scoping review can be downloaded through the figshare repository.
Associated Publications
Study Type
Dataset Format(s)
Microsoft Excel
Dataset Size
159 KB
Other Resources

Consolidated checklist for reporting scoping reviews

Search terms

Search terms used to identify relevant studies


PLOS Scoping review protocol


List of abbreviations used