NYU Dataset

Dopamine Responses and Functions in Nucleus Accumbens Core During Social Behaviors

Part of: Lin Lab |
UID: 10686
* Corresponding Author

Social behaviors are among the most notable motivated behaviors that are driven by rewarding goals. However, how dopamine (DA), a reward signal, releases during social behaviors has been unclear. This study used a genetically encoded DA sensor, GRABDA2m, to record DA activity in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) core during various social behaviors in male and female mice. They performed optical recording of DA signal by virally expressing Cre-dependent GRABDA2m bilaterally in the NAc core of Drd1-Cre mice. This dataset includes fiber photometry, behavioral, and immunohistochemistry data. These results provide complex information encoded by NAc DA activity during social behaviors and their multistage functional roles.

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Data Type
Equipment Used
Basler acA640-100gm
Femtowatt Silicon Photoreceiver
Olympus VS120
Thorlabs ADAL1-5
Thorlabs FT400EMT
Thorlabs LEDD1B
Thorlabs M470F1
Thorlabs SFLC440-10
WPI Nanoliter 2000
Zeiss LSM 510
Zeiss LSM 700
Software Used
Adobe Illustrator 2020
Adobe Photoshop 2020
GraphPad Prism v9.0
SLEAP Extension
StreamPix v8
Grant Support
Mathers Foundation/Mathers Foundation
Uehara Memorial Foundation/Uehara Memorial Foundation
JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Osamu Hayaishi Memorial Scholarship/Japanese Biochemical Society
Vulnerable Brain Project/NYU Langone Health
31871087/National Natural Science Foundation of China
31925017/National Natural Science Foundation of China