NYU Dataset

Promoting Cognitive Stimulation in Parents Across Infancy and Toddlerhood

UID: 10625
* Corresponding Author

This is a single-blind, two-site randomized clinical trial which evaluated the effectiveness of the Smart Beginnings model on early school readiness in low-income families. The Smart Beginnings intervention includes a Video Interaction Project (VIP), a 14-session universal primary prevention program delivered in the pediatric clinic at the time of well-child visits from birth through 36 months, and Family Check-Up (FCU), a targeted secondary prevention home-visiting program lasting 3-4 sessions. A total of 403 mother-infant dyads were enrolled from postpartum units in Bellevue Hospital (New York, NY) and Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) between 2015 and 2017. 201 mother-infant pairs were randomly assigned to the intervention and 202 pairs were randomly assigned to the control group.

Study outcomes are assessed via a structured parent interview (StimQ2) and video-recorded observations of parent-child interactions that were coded based on the Parent–Child Interaction Rating Scales–Infant Adaptation. A baseline assessment was completed at recruitment within the first six weeks of the child’s life. Follow-up visits were completed at 6, 18, and 24 months. 6- and 24- month assessments were primarily conducted in the laboratory setting, and 18-month assessments were conducted in the home if feasible. Further details on the methodology can be found in the associated publications. The study will be completed in 2024 (estimated).

2015 - Present
Geographic Coverage
New York (State) - New York City
Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh
Subject of Study
Subject Domain
Population Age
Child (2 years - 12 years)
Adolescent (13 years - 18 years)
Adult (19 years - 64 years)
Newborn (under 1 month)
Infant (1 month - 23 months)
Subject Gender


Author Approval Required
De-identified primary data (survey measures and coded video observations) may be made available to interested researchers through the establishment of data sharing agreements. Data will be made available to researchers who provide a methodologically sound proposal for use in achieving the goals of the approved proposal. Submit complete proposals to Pamela Morris-Perez via email.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Study Type
Data Collection Instruments
Parent–Child Interaction Rating Scales–Infant Adaptation
Grant Support
Other Resources
