NYU Dataset
Recordings of theta rhythm perturbation by focal cooling of the septal pacemaker in awake rats
Part of: Oxytocin U19 BRAIN Initiative |
UID: 10448
- Description
Electrophysiological recordings were obtained from male rats who were subjected to localized cooling of their medial septum (MS) prior to completing behavioral tasks. The MS is critical in theta generation. Therefore, temperature manipulation of the MS was used to test these models. Approximately 40 control trials were completed, followed by exposure to dry ice to reduce MS temperature for 20 to 60 "cooling" trials, and 20 to 80 recovery trials. The total number of trials completed per subject ranged from 80 to 200 trials.
Behavioral tasks included navigating an alternation track (figure-8 maze), navigating a linear track, and wheel running. The dataset includes temperature data as well as spike-sorted session data.
- Restrictions
Free to All
- Instructions
- Data is available for download through the Buzsaki Lab Webshare. Supporting Matlab code may be accessed through the link to the Github project repository under Other Resources.
OptiTrack 6-Camera System
- Grant Support
R271-2017-1687/LundbeckfondenDFF-5053-00279/Danish Council for Independent Research, Medical Sciences1707316/NSF
- Other Resources
Buzsaki Lab
Project description
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