NYU Dataset

Simultaneous recordings from 4 rats in the dorsal hippocampus and amygdala

Alternate Titles(s): TH-1
UID: 10387
* Corresponding Author

The data set contains recordings made from multiple anterior thalamic nuclei, mainly the antero-dorsal (AD) nucleus, and subicular areas, mainly the post-subiculum (PoS), in freely moving mice. Thalamic and subicular electrodes yielding high number of the so-called Head-Direction (HD) cells were likely to be located in the AD nucleus and the PoS, respectively. Electrode placement was confirmed by histology.

The data was obtained during 42 recording sessions and includes responses of 720 neurons in the thalamus and 357 neurons in the PoS, in seven animals while they foraged for food in an open environment (53- x 46-cm). Three animals were recorded simultaneously in the thalamus and the PoS (21 sessions). In the four other animals, electrodes were implanted in the anterior thalamus and in the pyramidal layer of the CA1 area of the hippocampus but only to record Local field Potentials (LFPs). The raw (broadband) data was recorded at 20KHz, simultaneously from 64 to 96 channels. The raw data was processed to extract the LFPs and detect spikes.

Included in the data set are the following items:

  • Times and waveforms of detected potential spikes
  • Results of spike sorting
  • LFPs
  • The coordinate and direction of the mice head and video files from which the positions were extracted
  • Metadata tables giving properties of the neurons and characteristics of the recording sessions.
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Data and Documentation
Accession #: DOI: 10.6080/K0MS3QXD

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Matlab tools

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Dataset Description
