AHRQ Social Determinants of Health Database

Alternate Titles(s): AHRQ SDOH Database
UID: 10665

The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Database was created by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) with funding from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Trust Fund to enable research with linkable SDOH-focused data derived from multiple sources and across multiple domains. Since the data is compiled from multiple sources, users are advised to consult the associated documentation to review data sources and methodological considerations (e.g., variable availability, missingness, sampling).

Variables included in the database correspond to five key SDOH domains: social context (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, veteran status), economic context (e.g., income, unemployment rate), education, physical infrastructure (e.g, housing, crime, transportation), and healthcare context (e.g., health insurance). The database includes data files and codebooks by year at three levels of geography (i.e., county, ZIP Code, and census tract).

2009 - Present
Geographic Coverage
United States
Local Expert
Subject of Study
Subject Domain


Free to All

Data and documentation for the Social Determinants of Health Database can be accessed for free from the AHRQ website.

Neighborhood-level data may also be retrieved from the Hadoop DataLake by members of the NYU Langone research community to enable linkage to internal datasets. Employees who are on campus or logged in through the institutional VPN may access this data through the Population Health Data Hub portal.

Access via AHRQ

Data and documentation

Access via Population Health Data Hub

Neighborhood-level SDOH data (requires KID login)

Data Type
Dataset Format(s)
Microsoft Excel
Other Resources
Data Source Documentation

Information about the database structure and data sources

SDOH Environmental Scan

Assessment of data sources

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