Primary Land Use Tax Lot Output - New York City

Alternate Titles(s): PLUTO NYC, MapPLUTO
UID: 10370

The Primary Land Use Tax Lot Output (PLUTO) dataset contains land use and geographic data about New York City at the tax lot level. It is an open data set compiled by various agencies and departments in the New York City government, including the Department of City Planning (DCP), Department of Finance (DOF), Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), and Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPS). MapPLUTO consists of ESRI shapefiles and File Geodatabases merged with PLUTO data.

Each tax lot is described with approximately seventy fields that provide information about building use, age of buildings, and community characteristics. Variables include community district number, census tract, census block, city council district, fire company, health center district, health area category, and land use category. Historical data is available dating back to 2002.

2002 - Present
Geographic Coverage
New York (State) - New York City
Subject of Study
Subject Domain


Free to All
Data is freely available through the New York City Department of City Planning (NYC DCP) website.
Access via NYC DCP

Tabular and geospatial data

Data Type
Dataset Format(s)
ASCII, CSV, Microsoft Access, SHP, GDB
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